Yield Farming
Yield Farming is one of the core features of the Temple Finance. You can stake LP tokens and earn very attractive rewards in $Temple token.
Farming rewards
The farming rewards will be very high on launch to attract liquidity to the project and keeping the ecosystem healthy. To get LP tokens simply go to "Liquidity" tab and select token a pair of tokens to provide in exchange for the LP token.
What is LP token?
LP is a token given to the supplier in exchange for providing a pair of tokens to the liquidity pool. It represents a share of assets in the pool. LP token gives the supplier ownership rights of the assets provided and reward paid on the total amount supplied. Supplied assets can be redeemed at any moment by going to "Your liquidity" tab and performing "Remove liquidity" transaction.
LP example
There's 1 LP token representing 1 ETH and 1 Temple token
Two swaps occur: 0.2 ETH for 0.2 Temple and 0.2 TS for 0.2 ETH
Now there's 1.0034 ETH and 1.0034 Temple in the Temple/ETH pool
1 LP is now worth 1.0034 ETH and 1.0034 Temple
Farming info:
Deposit and withdraw fee: 0%
Rewards: $Temple
LP Pools
There will be 4 pools for LP staking starting on the launch day:
Temple - USDC
Temple - ETH
Last updated